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Created Sunday 23 October 2022

Healing has two main groups. These are The Way of Healing and the Art. Both revolve around the use of medicines, poltices, potions, stuff like that.

The Art isn't just healing, because it's witchcraft. The Art is hollistic, it requires the Artist/herbalist/healer (or the witch, if you're an ass) to know as much as possible about the patient and their lives. Well practiced Artists are known to be extremely intuitive. The Art's medicines are only ever created with the specific patient in mind, and often uses their blood to ensure it will work. The Art's medicines take longer to produce and require you only ever use the Art for healing, but it also will never have a chance of disrupting your health in the hands of a well-practiced artist.

The Way of Healing is Alchemy, basically. It's generalist. The medicines it makes are designed to work for as many people as possible and be easily produceable whenever possible. The issue lies in the fact that The Way's medicines can have negative effects on ones health, and especially when more than one is used at a time. The Way's all about minimizing risk while also achieving the quickest results possible, and they're often the most common form of healer because of the fact they don't act weird, don't take a bunch of blood, and can quickly fix anything. Issues arise mostly with people with prior health problems, but sometimes certain medicines can be innately dangerous due to their ingredients. The Way can't always minimize danger, but it makes up for it in speed and applicability.

Those two different forms of healing aren't the only ones actually those are just most common in the cultures that eixst in the area I tell most of the stories to myself in
There's a lot of folk healing practices, the Art isn't the only one. The Way is about trained doctors and books and research, the Art is about intuition and wisdom